The Light of Our Own Nature
encaustic mixed media
16×12 inches
If you allow yourself to be the person that you are, then everything will come into rhythm. If you live the life you love, you will receive shelter and blessings. Sometimes the great famine of blessing in and around us derives from the fact that we are not living the life we love, rather we are living the life that is expected of us. We have fallen out of rhythm with the secret signature and light of our own nature.
-John O’Donohue, Anam Cara
I first heard John O’Donohue soothing voice on the radio a few years ago on an NPR program. His Irish lilt first caught my attention, but it was his words made me pause and stop what I was doing and really listen. So much beautiful wisdom.
I have been working on a series of paintings where I have been using my photo images, combined with wax and mark making, collaged papers, etc. I then have been attaching old pieces of salvaged wood or metal to the bottom of the panels. I love using salvaged materials as I feel they bring their own history to my pieces. I have been really happy during the creation of this series. I think because I was rediscovering my joy. My goal was to make 6. I have one more to go.
Hi Bridgette, I’ve really enjoyed these pieces on Instagram and FB. There is so much too look at and study in these, I am drawn in right away. Enjoyed reading your last few posts. You’re a good writer. Have a great day!
Thanks Lisa for following the journey of these pieces!
Stunning. And how amazing that you are on your last piece of the series. Sounds like a joyful experience to me!
Thanks Seth. I’ve come far since you saw the panels in my studio. They were only in their infancy then. Thank you so so much for telling me to keep going!
Thank you for this quote today Bridgette……*Thank You*
you’re welcome!
I have thoroughly loved reading your blog. You are very talented, and like minded I think!! Good luck in all your endeavours, Anne Corr http://amonikabyanyuvva.wordpress.com/