We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. ~Joseph Campbell

The Treeness of Trees
encaustic mixed media
How I do love trees and soon I will be moving to a little wooded lot outside of the city…not too far but a different world. I’ve been packing packing and packing and this week I finally packed my studio up. That was so hard for me to do. My studio space is my life-line, my sacred space. I haven’t painted in probably a little over three weeks and I may implode at any time. But soon enough, I tell myself, I will have a new sacred space set up. This time on a little wooded lot- a workshop attached to the garage. And it’s heated!
This painting above is now in the home of a dear friend that I met when I worked in a frame shop many years ago. It was a job I took as I was trying to figure out what to do with my life when I realized that I didn’t want to work in the field that I had studied and put myself in major debt for. She encouraged me to pursue my art and I would always tell her that she was nuts. We have kept in touch even though I have moved from the midwest to the west coast and then back to the midwest, but different state. During my recent online moving sale, her young sons (10 years and younger!)purchased this painting for her birthday and that just means so much to me. So that framing job turned out to be a pivotal point in my life. One of those forks in the road. A fork that I’ll never regret taking even when it’s tough.
Because of this big move and the transitioning of our life to this little wooded lot, I’ll probably be absent here for a bit. I’m hoping and waiting for the time when I can get back into the studio. Hopefully sooner than later as I said, I may implode.
But I do want to share that a painting that I created back in 2007 was recently published in EarthLines Magazine, Issue 3. This wonderful magazine is published out at the Isle of Lewis, in the U.K. The painting went along with an article called “Walking the Story: The Raven of Chaw Gully” by Martin Shaw.

encaustic mixed media
The story/article starts like this: “Raven loves the hard rain. Raven carried Noah’s ambition for dry land. But Noah should have known that Raven’s fondness was for the vast wet. And if it ever found such a turf it would have to be damp, moss-drunk and wild. And that it might forget to come back to the ark…”
Isn’t that a great start?
Good luck with the move! Of course, getting the studio in working order should be the first priority. Don’t want any imploding going on out there. Ha! I so know the feeling. Wishing you a swift and easy move into your new home.
thanks Jennifer! I know, I’m sure once I get the kids’ rooms in working order, the studio will be next on the list. 🙂
Oh Bridgett I just LOVE The Treeness of Trees! Wishing you all the best with the move and hope your studio is soon in working order.
Thanks so much Robyn
What a great story about your friend’s kids buying their mom your art! Very cool! And also very cool is your piece published with a story!
Good luck with your move. Your new place sounds wonderful – trees and a heated studio space . . . . it will all be worth it.
I know, I loved that they did that for their mom. 🙂 Thanks so much Judy. Let’s hope the heat can stand up to a chicago winter! Good thing my art process provides a bit of its own heat.
Having recently moved myself I know what it’s like to be without art supplies for a while . . . it was driving me nuts. Sounds like the Treeness of Trees found the perfect home and congrations on the published piece. Hope the move goes smoothly and that your new space is everything you want it to be and more.
Moving is so stressful! And packing is the pits. And not having access to my art is the worst…but soon enough, soon enough. Thanks so much Kathryn.
Best of luck with the move and hurry up and unpack so you can get back to it.
For real! Believe me, I’ll do my best. 🙂 Thanks Roberta
safe travels to your new home!
Thanks Beth- I’ll be a little closer to you now!
How wonderful that you will have a wooded lot and trees of your own. Moving is such a wonderful yet scary and exhausting experiance- I wish you well! And looking forward to the pieces that come out of your new studio.
Your quote from Joseph Campbell had a special resonance for me today. Good luck with the move. A wooded lot–more inspiration!
The best of luck with the move. Once you get settled, you will be itching to create…and no doubt those trees will be a huge source of inspiration. And both of these paintings are sooooo gorgeous.
Hello Bridgette, I am here visiting via Robyn at Art Propelled. These are such beautiful pieces! and this, such a heartfelt post.
I wish you all the best as you take the current fork in the road…may it have as much impact & meaningfulness as the job change years ago.
Hi Bridgette! Best of luck On your move. Xo
Wishing you the best for the move to your new sacred space and that you don’t feel uprooted for too long!
Oh I too so love trees! and Ravens! I hope you have both in your new country home. BOth of these pieces you have created are lovely, I especially love “The Treeness of Trees”
Hi Bridgette! This is so hauntingly beautiful… I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the “Tell me about yourself” blog award, as it is a way to help others discover our favorite blogs and artists! You don’t have to pass it on but if you feel like it you can check the “rules” on my own art blog at http://www.lalyblue.com/2012/11/my-first-blog-award.html. Thanks!