today, noah 2 years old
It’s been a full week and I am feeling a sense of letting go inside. I have a lot of expectations of myself, when it comes to my art and my books, but I am learning to let those expectations go. And with that, my perspective is softening and it feels better to not be so rigid. Embracing all aspects of my life, rather than have them compete with one another. Savoring the little moments as much as I can, because I know that they will be gone faster than I realize.
Today I got to work in my studio this morning and got some mixed media journals prepped to bind and worked on a painting. This afternoon, Noah joined me in the studio. He got an easel for his 2nd birthday and I set it up next to mine. He loves being in the studio. I get to do little things here and there when he’s with me up there. It’s a lot of fun. I was hammering some holes with my awl today and he got a big kick out of that.
Being a mother and being an artist is an interesting balance. The two roles can really complement each other, rather than compete. The balance is tough though at times and being a mom to a two year old is really demanding, to say the least! There is a lot I would like to do with my art, but there just isn’t enough time in the day or energy in my body. I tell myself, the time will come, it’s just not for Now. I will do what I can as much as I am able, but there are limitations to what can be accomplished when I am not working full-time as I was before. And I am grateful for the time that I do get to paint and work on my books. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Noah is the light of my life and I would like to have more children if it is possible.
My painting instructor from last fall also has a little guy- she wrote about having a one year old in her studio in her blog today. I loved reading what she had to say about painting with a one year old in your studio.
A friend of mine, Suzanne Clements, has posted two articles on art marketing. Suzanne was instrumental in helping me get my first solo show and for that she will always have a big place in my heart. During those months before the show we would set up times to talk on the phone to check up on my progress. She helped me figure so much out and passed on so much information and advice. She was like my art guardian angel! I remember one talk in particular where we discussed pricing, to shipping, to inventory….all the while I was feeding Noah a very messy lunch of sweet potatoes! And she was so nice to be understanding about that.
I also wrote a journaling tip on amanobooks.com blog on Tuesday featuring the art of Mary Boden. Go check it out!
Off to answer some emails and then sit on the couch and bind some journals. Good night!
bridgette again!
i just left a comment on your facebook page (as you were posting this). It’s funny how that keeps happening…hmmm. I’ll say it again-this picture is priceless!
ha! I think it’s because we both have to wait until the munchkins are sleeping to get on the computer. So we’re both catching up on computer things at the same time. Too funny!
No munchkins here, but 4 birthdays in the next week, and I finally broke down & bought cards, instead of making them, & have finally settled down late here. I liked this post – letting go is such a difficult thing for me to do, but I, to, am learning to do so, even if it’s just accepting that I must buy cards instead of killing myself trying to get them all done. Baby steps! LOL!
🙂 Debi
I agree with Beth…this photograph is magic. You have an angel baby along with an art angel.
I have found that my years of working with the children’s art program at the Contemporary Art Center has provide the most relaxed and joyful chapter of my 40years as a working artist…so much so that now I am designing my adult studios based (to a great extent) on what the children have taught me…it’s so fun to see how it all circles around!
Bridgette, give yourself lots of credit (and self-compliments) for doing what you are doing with a 2 year old on hand. I lived through two (2 year olds), and so can you! You are influencing your little one in a way that can never be described in words…the education your little guy is getting from you is priceless! Make sure to stop and ‘treat yourself’ every now and then…
Such a beautiful picture of you and your son!! Birthday blessing to Noah, and bravo to you for stepping into the embrace and balance of letting go.
mmm… 🙂
No munchkins here either, but I envy you the company! Congrats to both artists and happy third year to Noah.
Good job on pacing yourself, Bridgette. No muchkins here, but I’m also finding that “letting go” to be a good place and not a place of disapointment.
When the time comes to do even more (tho you’re doing great now), you’ll be healthy and happy and have such a deep well to draw from. I’m sure his energy and enthusiasm for what adults take for granted (like hammering!) is such an inspiration.
Bridgette, it looks like you are balancing things quite well. As your son gets older he will learn to respect the time you spend on your art along with appreciating creating art himself. It is so frustrating at times, though!!! Having the easel for Noah in your studio is a great idea.
Being a single mom of a 4 year old boy I can attest that two is a demanding age and takes a bit of effort to achieve balance. But it does get easier (or maybe I just got better at it!). But these times are precious and no matter your situation there would never be enough hours in the day so enjoy it – things will unfold as they are meant to!
How I love that pic of you with your little son helping in your studio, and with his own art easel all ready. It takes me back to days with my own children (now aged 48, 46 and 37) and to the here and now and our grandchildren for whom art materials are always ‘at the ready’ when they visit. It is wonderful to give time and attention no matter how small the children are and let our little ones be a part of what we love doing. Ann.
such a sweet photo!
the daily balancing act of being mom/artist sure can be a tough one… but seems to get easier and easier each day! right after my daughter was born i remember trying to get her to play or nap while i worked in my studio… she had other ideas… 😉
your work is beyond lovely!
Hi Bridgette,
I love the photo of you and Noah painting together. I completely understand the softening of art expectations during this time of toddlers- but you’re right, it’s not forever and it’s such a joy to have time creating with them.
Balancing art and motherhood is tough – I’ve been making a concerted effort to have one “kid day” every weekend where we go hiking, check out a children’s program at a Museum, etc. The kids have fun and I also get some good artistic inspiration.
Methinks you will always have to maintain that softness and flexibility even as Noah gets older. Being a mother means your life will always be fragmented as long as your child is in the same home as you. I can’t say what will happen after they “leave the nest” as I haven’t crossed that bridge yet!
But what a wonderful record of the two of you working side by side!
Happy Birthday Noah!
Grandma here!
Please tell me how you combine art with your two year old. I have my two year old grandson who I want to include in my art and in my sewing room. That way I would get more done. This would be a great topic to teach on.
I want to put a table in my room just for him, but the room is full now. Help!