The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it. – Marcus Aurelius

encaustic mixed media
12×24, diptych
Other times I will get an idea to explore because of something I spy and it makes me pause. A few weeks ago my kids and I were going to spend a few hours in my studio, each working on own own projects- my 6 year old is really into drawing Angry Birds characters and my 2 year old is content to paint a random shipping box that I happened to have around. But I needed to clean up the work table first and I started to pile up all the papers, photocopies, torn up stuff that were strewn across the tabletop. I wasn’t paying attention as I just needed to clear off the table asap as my kids were waiting and any delay could lead to a squabble. As I moved the pile of paper to another surface, I looked down and saw this:

…and I thought to myself, hmmm, that’s interesting…..and I kept that spark in my head and returned to it the next time I was in the studio and created “Thoughts”.
I find that I need to pay attention to those sparks, or seeds, that pop into my brain. Because I am not able to get in the studio everyday, I keep those thoughts simmering in my brain all week until I am able to attempt to execute them. I almost think that having that waiting period is beneficial as it percolates throughout the week. While I would love to be able to just answer that need to create right away, that’s not my reality, and so it sits and simmers. This morning I got two seeds in my head, one came to me in the shower and the other when I was lying in my 2 year old’s bed after reading her a book for naptime.
“She’s never where she is,’ I said. ‘She’s only inside her head.”- Janet Fitch
Had to save this quote as it made me laugh. Describes me and I’m not saying that’s a good thing. I am always working on being present and not in my head so much!
I’m starting to think that having a conscious waiting period like that is ESSENTIAL! I’m lucky that I can get to my studio most every day, but I’ve noticed that when I get into that habit, sometimes I get out of the habit of letting things percolate for a while when the really do need to.
As always, love your work, and your words. Thank you, Bridgette.
Thanks so much Angela. I think for people who are able to get into the studio everyday like yourself, maybe a way to let things percolate is to have a day where you do something totally different. Although I would have a hard time doing that, I think. I would just want to do what I normally do and forget about doing something out of my comfort zone!
That’s the conclusion I’ve come to as well, but it is SO HARD to tear myself away from that “must paint” mentality. But now that I know why I need it, now that I’m remembering that being an artist is not just abou creating a painting, it should be easier to actually do. I hope.
You continue to be such an inspiration to me. xoxo
“remembering that being an artist is not just about creating a painting”- that’s an interesting insight. Wish we could sit and discuss that more in depth together! I’m currently taking a still life oil painting class that meets one evening a week for 3 hours. It’s been really great for me. I’m painting, but I’m painting in a way that I never paint. And I’m not ever going to show or try to sell the still life paintings as they aren’t my way of expressing myself…..and yet I’m there soaking it in, painting, looking, seeing….and all that informs my other work. The other thing too is that it’s nice to be creating something that I know there is no pressure to show or sell. And I also always love being a student.
Great post! I always love hearing how your other artists work. And I love the quote at the end. Sums me up as well. Agreed, not in a good way either.
Thanks Angie. Yeah, that quote really stuck with me.
Lovely art, lovely post.
thanks so much Lynn
Wow, Bridgette, I love that midnight blue with the bowl!
thanks Mary!
I love the concept of creative seeds that can grow into something much bigger. I will have to remember that.
thanks Seth. Yeah, actually “seeds” pop up in my work a lot- the dashes and dots that are usually grouped or in rows of some sort. 🙂