Time Flies

I can’t believe it’s already been a month since my last post. And that it’s already November! I have been busy making journals for the upcoming holiday season. Two gallery shops now carry amanobooks journals I am happy to say. One is located in Montana at Holter Museum of Art and the other is in Virginia at Longview Gallery.

I just sent out the November 1st amanobooks.com newsletter that I will be sending out at least once a month from now on. I plan to include news about shows and publications, as well as updates to the site, and a section on journaling tips. I’m no expert on journaling except that I have been doing it for years. Sometimes people just need a new prompt to help them along. I know I find such prompts useful. I hope the subscribers will too.

Sometime soon I hope i can find some time to make some more mixed media panels. So much to do, so little time. Who am I kidding? I’ve got nothing but time…

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