I really feel like I have been in some sort of time warp. How is it almost the middle of August? So busy trying to get settled into my new surroundings, getting home to feel like home. Busy meeting up with family, old friends, meeting the babies that had been born since our last visit.

Impression, mixed media and encaustic
8×8 inches
I forgot to announce here that my work is going to be up for another month at Greener Lifestyles and that the August Artwalk was this past Saturday. How could it already have been a second saturday of the month already?? As of early last week they had sold 11 paintings since the show was hung. That’s always nice to hear! You can see what I have hanging at this Flickr set that I created. I have not had a chance yet to mark what has sold on all of them. The painting above is still available at Greener Lifestyles.
I am slowly getting adjusted here. The first week I was enamoured with my new neighborhood, the energy, the city. The second week I think I went through a culture shock or something. It all felt overwhelming, too urban, too busy, too concrete, too dirty. I felt very anxious. But this weekend we did some exploring and went to a farmer’s market and played in a different park. I noticed that it really isn’t all that concrete. There is a lot of green and trees. I didn’t see it before through my lens of anxiety. It helped that the weather this weekend was perfect and not too hot or muggy. I planted some herbs in pots that will sit on our deck. So I feel a little more grounded and not as anxious. I seem to be on an emotional rollercoaster. But for today I feel good and that is definitely a good thing.
Now to get my studio together…
I was just thinking about you Bridgette. So good to see a post from you. I’m glad you’re settling in and the anxiety is dissipating.
Have a great week!!!
Beautiful work, I love the rich textures.
-Grace Lee
So glad to have you back. Keep in mind that this new environment, and all you are taking in around you will bring a new vision for your paintings. I know that anytime I take a trip and return I have wonderful new ideas…so document these things you see that are new and interpret them in your work!
So glad that you are able to post once in a while. Sounds very exciting. I always loved moving.
Ah dearheart, cut yourself some slack and remember that moving is one of the Top Three creators of stress (death and divorce being the other two). Be sure to work in some comfort things to fall back on when your vision becomes askew. xoxo
Lovely work as usual,
Glad you are starting to settle in.
thanks for your email.
Glad your feeling good at the moment.
“Rollercoaster” is a great word…
Lots of inspiration in that word!
Your art piece has so much depth, I love the roots so firmly planted, and the soft comforting blue light surrounding the one little flower who has this hidden strength & grounding.
Be patient with yourself. Your art piece is beautiful, and it is so wonderful that so many have been sold! I like the idea of pots of spices on the deck too…take care,. Roxanne
Glad you are settling in – change is so hard – even when you WANT it!
I absolutely love this piece — the thick textures are so appealing to me!
Planting always seems to ground me as well. Maybe there are some simple rituals you can do to make you feel more at home — like some fresh flowers or maybe even a simple candle.