twinge of

twinge of autumn, mixed media, 6×8 inches
Wasn’t sure today was going to happen. I felt stuck. Floundered around. Started 2 panels, gave up on one. Just one of those days. Very frustrated. So I went for a walk to return Our Lady of the Forest book on cd to the library. And I was walking down the sidewalk lined with tall trees, not sure what kind coz i’ve never been good at identifying trees. But they’re the ones that drop acorns and little acorn hats. You know the little tops that you can hold between your thumbs, bring up to your lips and blow to make a loud clear whistle? Oak tree? Maple? I don’t know. But they’re turning colors. Red, orange, yellow. Leaves on the ground. Kids walking home from school in front of me.
I thought to myself- I love autumn. And got back to my panel when I got home.
Bound journal at amanobooks

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