getting my ducks in a row…
After I returned from Florida I didn’t feel fully relieved because I knew that I had to think about what I was going to hang at Irwin’s come November. I did not want to think about it. At all. But then I had to. I remember reading in one of my “self-help” artist career books that when a show is hung, and the opening reception has occured, it is not time to sit on your butt. But rather, you need to get back into the studio right away and get back to work. First of all, when I had read that, I never imagined that I would actually get to experience that. Second, I was physically and mentally tired and I needed to get my life outside of art back into working order. So, I gave myself a little bit of a break, but I am back at it when I am able to work out studio time. The difference is that my pace is slower and I don’t feel an enormous amount of pressure.
But for the upcoming coffeshop show, I didn’t know what I was going to do! I thought I had nothing left, literally and metaphorically speaking. But I gathered up what I had and had a good look, and what I had were a lot of trees. Not surprising at all. So that’s what I decided that I was going to concentrate on and I feel good about the pieces when I had lined them up against the wall.
So I’ve made a few more and I’m pretty much set. I have about 20 paintings that I will be hanging for the month of November. Noah and stopped by Irwin’s earlier this week to check out the space again and for me to get a latte and a scone. They have really good coffee there. I love this coffee shop, it is what all coffee shops/bakeries should aspire to. Well, that’s a little lofty. But it has such a great energy and the food is good. They sponsor a charity each month too.
The above photos are some of the paintings getting ready to be brought over to Irwin’s next week. All that I need to do is make some labels and get wire on a few more pieces.
Finally had a chance to check in and see what’s been happening in your world. Congrats on the shows! It’s so gratifying to see an artist who’s immensely talented being successful in the gallery/art world. You rock!
Thanks Kathy! It’s good to hear from you. You are too sweet. 🙂 I hope I will be able to see you again soon.