wax and cookies

“Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.” ~ Meister Eckhart

Last Saturday I gathered up myself, my supplies and some *cookies and headed up to Evanston to Cindy Jevon’s Perfical Sense Studio to teach an encaustic workshop called Intro to Encaustic and Mixed Media. I couldn’t have asked for a better bunch of workshop attendees for my first workshop! There were six students, all with different backgrounds, some with encaustic experience and some with none. I even had the cutest couple taking the workshop together. How fun is that?! Everyone was just eager to have a good time and try out a new medium and it was really a great time. For me, especially. I am so grateful for the opportunity and to meet such fantastic people. I’ve been working alone in my studio since 2002 and doing this, was like a breath of fresh air for me, invigorating and inspiring.

Ellin sharing her encaustic and photocopy transfer piece created during the workshop

This was the only photo I took the whole time as I was too busy to take pictures. I wish I had more as everyone did a fantastic job.

I haven’t taught in a classroom setting since 2000, when I worked as a speech and language therapist in the Chicago Public School system…which is quite different than teaching encaustic to adults! But at one point in the middle of the happy chaos of humming creativity, I looked around and smiled and thought, “I like this.” The energy, the sharing of technique, the process of discovery. I’m looking forward to the next one…

I wanted to share with you all the website of Eileen Madden’s print and bindery studio called Evanston Print and Paper, which is right next door to Perfical Sense Studio. She attended the workshop as well and we briefly talked about me doing an encaustic book workshop with her in the future. Check out the workshop section- that resin workshop looks tempting!

There is a possibility that I will be doing a follow-up encaustic workshop at Cindy’s studio again, I will let you all know once we pick a date.

“Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads.” ~Erica Jong

*I added chopped dried cherries to this recipe. This is one good recipe. For real.


  1. Seriously I had such a good time! Seems like everyone was too busy to take photos. And the cookies were delicious,I will definitely have to try this recipe. Thanks for sharing!

  2. What a great learning experience. I was a newbie in the art of encaustic and I loved the introduction workshop. Thank you so much for sharing how you create your art. I can’t wait for the next class!

  3. Thanks everyone. How fun would it be if we could all get together and paint!
    Laura and Debbie~thank you both for attending my workhsop, it was so great to meet you both and work with you. Looking forward to seeing more encaustic works from you both!

  4. Congratulations Bridgette on this first of many workshop successes. Those were extra lucky students to be taught by you!!

    Sounds great!
    So happy that you have stepped into this arena…I can only imagine how the doors will fly open for you to share more of your great gifts witht he world…cookies included ‘-)

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