what lies within

  • October 18, 2009

what lies within
mixed media panel
bound as a cover of a blank journal
5×7 inches
available @ amanobooks.com

I’ve been working on a series of mixed media tree panels to be bound into blank journals. A few of them have been bound up already and are available at amanobooks.com


Yesterday I took the el up to Evanston to my alma mater, Northwestern University, to attend a lecture at the Mary and Leigh Block Museum of Art and to see the Robert Motherwell and Henry Moore exhibits. I actually used to work there back when it was a gallery as one of my work study jobs. I was the assistant to the curator of education. Funny how even though I was going to school for a degree that had absolutely nothing to do with art, there was a part of me that was always seeking to be around art in some fashion. Wish I had had some guidance back then. I would probably have a bachelor of fine arts instead of a bachelor of science!

Anyway, the lecture was very enlightening for me and I will try to write a post about it later if I get a chance. I did write this quote down by Motherwell on abstract expressionism and how one reaches self-discovery through the act of creation:

“I begin a painting with a series of mistakes…”

Robert Motherwell
Henry Moore


  1. Beautiful cover Bridgette. I love your subtlety in art, something I know nothing about! I loved the Motherwell quote. I really relate to it as my work is to create mistakes to respond to.

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