wings of the wind

  • January 25, 2009

wings of the wind
mixed media, 5×7 inches

This journal and the Heart of the Land journal are now both available at You can read more about this panel over at the amanobooks blog

On Friday, book artist Geraldine Newfry stopped by to pick up an encaustic painting that she purchased from me. I had just finished framing it for her. We talked shop and I showed her my studio. Our talk gave me a lot to think about. Thanks Gerri, if you’re reading this!

Then on Saturday I met up again with her and another book artist, Debb of The Forgotten Toy Box, and Francine who does mixed media art. We did a show and tell and chatted about this,that and the other. I think the next time we meet we are supposed to bring something to work on, while chatting about this, that and the other.

What a treat it was to go into Gerri’s studio! It was like going into a dwelling of special secret places with art, art, everywhere. She also is an organization nut and I think she has me beat in the number of labeled bins and drawers. You just have to be that way when you do mixed media, I think. There’s just too much Stuff!

It’s nice to be around other like-minded creative people and I hope to meet with them once a month. It is hard coordinating it at times as my weeks are full with family things. And when I am not doing “famiy things” then I am in my studio painting. I am very possessive of My Time as I don’t get too much of it. But I am also realizing how important community is. Balance.


  1. I first looked at this new piece on your other blog, Bridgette, and couldn’t find anywhere to say it is so so so so BEAUTIFUL, it had me in tears.

    Balance: the hardest thing in the world I believe when you have family and work (earning a living) and yet need that little bit of space and time to follow your own creative spirit. Stay in there, and thankyou yet again for sharing your astonishingly perceptive art. Ann

  2. Thank you Meri, Ann, Beth for your comments. Your responses to this piece…thank you! words escape me at times. 🙂

    Thanks rosemoo. It’s taken me a long time to come to the realization as well as making it happen.

  3. It’s such an empowering piece, Bridgette.

    I have a ‘wind’ quote that’s different in mood, but I thought you might like:
    “A wind has wrapped her up in its wings.”

  4. Hi Bridgette, yes balance…it can be a juggling game.
    Community is important, it’s high on my list…it can motivate and inspire you and others, to no end.
    Your piece is beautiful (as always) 🙂

  5. This is so beautiful! I love the birds! must be something in the air as I’ve been drawing birds lately too- I am working on a canvas that has 3 birds on it too..neat.
    I think finding like minded and creative friends is a must! All that creative energy is sure to spark inspiration! and balance..ah so true- difficult but very much needed.
    Be well

  6. hi bridgette!

    i’m reading (although later than you posted). it’s good to hear that you enjoyed looking at the studio. it’s such a flurry of activity sometimes that it might be called one big messy space!


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