If you are in the Chicago area and love the book arts you just need to stop in to see the words|matter exhibit that is on display at Arts On Elston this month. I am so happy to have a few of my artist books in this exhibit, which is a hands-on exhibit. Yes, I did just say that. Under supervision, the public is able to hold these books- how wonderful is that? When I make my book art I am always thinking about how as a book, it is meant to be interacted with, held, leafed through, read. But it is art and when the books are in shows they are often in glass cases or on a pedestal with the implicit understanding that no touching is allowed to protect the work. I appreciate that but it goes against my grain of wanting that interaction with my books.

Book of Trees, 2011, a collaborative book made with Seth Apter and Jen Worden
If you are on Facebook and want to stay informed about the various artist talks associated with this exhibit, like the WordsMatter Show page. Here is the information if are interested in dropping in.
Arts on Elson
3446 N Albany
Chicago, IL
Opening 10/3 and running through 10/29
Gallery Hours
If only I could be in Chicago this month- for the show but also for the Cubs! Go Cubbies!! Took this photo the last time I was at one of their games. Times like this I miss being a Chicagoan. So much fun.
So happy to see that our collaboration continues to have a life of its own 🙂