my painting, “In the Searching” in the midst of Vicki Reed’s paintings
Once again I am way behind in announcing a show that I am in because of the craziness of my life right now. But I am so happy to have been invited to show in this exhibit at the Center for Visual Arts in Wausau, Wisconsin.

I am among 8 regional artists in this show called “Works in Wax”. The artists include Vicki Reed, Claire O’Neill,Kristy Deetz,Ashley Gordon, Nathan Hatch,Pamela Murphy,and Claudette Lee-Roseland. I wasn’t able to attend the opening last month, once again, due to the craziness of my life, but Vicki Reed kindly took photos so that I could see the show. And it looks wonderful! The show will be up until July 13th, so if you’re in the area, be sure to stop in and check out works in wax by myself and these other regional artists.

My painting next to more of Vicki’s paintings. They look so good together!
The director of the center asked me if there was anything I wanted to share about the paintings I sent for the show and this is what I told her:
All of my pieces that I sent for the exhibit use images from photographs that I took. I am very much influenced and inspired by my environment. I used to live in Seattle and when I moved to Chicago I went through a bit of a “shock”. Seattle is such a natural environment- very green, surrounded by water and mountains. And well, Chicago is so very urban and concrete. I was worried about how it would effect my work as I had been so influenced by the nature around me in the pacific northwest. All these paintings mark the period where Chicago and the midwest began to seep into me. The 12×12 paintings with the overlapping plant images are photos of prairie plants. The smaller painting uses an image that I took on Lake Superior when we went in search of nature all the way out in Minnesota. The bird on the reeds photo is an image I took at the bird sanctuary that is in Chicago. The paintings that I chose to send to you all mark this transition of life in the midwest for me.

twoof my paintings inspired by prairie plants

two of my paintings here

I believe the sculpture is by Nathan Hatch
One day I will look back at this period as ………. not sure yet. Changes are in the horizon again, though. There’s nothing like a flooded home, displacement, and crisis to make one make some tough decisions. I cannot wait until I can start creating again and posting my works here. Soon.
Bridgette — this exhibition looks stunning and elegant. The white brick wall makes for the perfect backdrop. I am so sorry you weren’t able to attend. Fingers crossed on the weather. But for now…welcome home!
the exhibit looks lovely. so glad your back in your house for now and i wish you all the best in implementing your decisions and getting back to creating. i totally get all of this. tomorrow is moving day for us. finally. i’m ready to move forward and i am so sure you are too. thinking of you….