encaustic mixed media
8×8 inches
available for purchase
I created “Fragments” sometime in 2013 for Lesley Riley‘s book Inspirational Quotes Illustrated: Art and Words to Motivate
Her book started shipping this past month. But back in 2013 she gave me this quote as inspiration:
At the time of creating this painting, I had just started painting again after a very long hiatus after I lost my studio to the big flood, living in a hotel room, then moving to Maryland, then waiting while we built my studio. I really was feeling like I was gathering the fragments and remnants of my life and trying to create a new life for myself and my family. The faded and weathered image of the pink poppy was one of my photos that I rescued from my flooded studio storage drawers. Those were poppies in my crazy cottage garden in Seattle. I loved them so much. I used torn papers from my new collection of paper that friends sent me to replenish my collage stash. There is also a bit of organza that was given to me by another artist friend.
One of the lessons I learned, or rather re-learned as I seem to have experienced plenty of tough lessons in my life, is that when life throws something destructive in your life…..you can actually rebuild, reconstruct and recreate with the love and support of community. We all have a choice with what we do with the events that happen and life is all about pulling these fragments and remnants together and creating something durable and hopefully a thing of beauty.
It’s not always easy and it’s often ugly and painful, but at least we have the opportunity to create from the remnants.
A gorgeous piece, Bridgette! I like what you’ve said here about rebuilding, and choosing what to do with what life gives us. I needed to be reminded of that just now.
Thanks Sharmon, I’m glad it spoke to you. The unfortunate thing is that it seems like I have to be reminded of the same thing often! You’d think the lesson would stick by now. Wishing you a wonderful and warm holiday season.
Hi This piece of art is so lovely and full of meaning. Love the rescued poppy. Thanks for sharing both your art and thoughts.
Thank you Pat!
Such a beautiful post Bridgette. Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed 2015.
Thank you Jennifer. Wishing you the same for 2015