Listen to the Hours, mixed media, 5×7 inches
“Listen to the Hours” is a mixed media panel that I created and then bound as a cover to a blank journal. I have just updated amanobooks.com with new blank collage mixed media journals. I will be adding more by the end of this week.
The words come from a quote I found by Zelda Fitzgerald:
I take a sun bath and listen to the hours, formulating, and disintegrating under the pines, and smell the resiny hardi-hood of the high noon hours. The world is lost in a blue haze of distances, and the immediate sleeps in a thin and finite sun.
Life has been pretty full since our return from our Chicago trip. We found a house…so it looks like we will be moving back sometime during the summer. Still trying to wrap my head around that. I’m excited, yet anxious. Sad as well since I really love Seattle and our home here. But Chicago is also home and I look forward to this new adventure.
As for now, I need to go through all my stuff and get rid of things! How did I get so many books? And magazines? And all sorts of papers, and glues and crap….
From now until we move I decided that I will concentrate my efforts on amanobooks.com. Because my working time is so limited and I have been concentrating on painting and not bookmaking, I have let things go a bit there and my inventory is the lowest it has ever been. So when I do have studio time and in the evenings I will throw myself into making journals again.
As for painting, I have had this idea for a new series simmering in my brain for a few months now. But I think I’m going to wait until after our move to work on it for several reasons: 1)amanobooks reason listed above 2)I want to work much bigger, and it will be better to wait until I’m in my new studio at our new house (converted attic, wheee!) 3)still needs to simmer some more.
Although I might do a few of my mini paintings, 4x4s and 5x5s, and see if I can list them either at etsy or at my art online gallery. I have so many of these canvases that I need to use and hopefully sell before our move.
I’ll end this post with a field of pink. We went to the Skagit River Valley for the Tulip Festival this past Friday. We had a great time and even went to a petting farm. Unlike his mama, Noah did not like the cow. I took lots of pictures of cows, of course.

OMG! What a gorgeous photo! Thanks! And congratulations on the new house with great studio space. I love your new piece & I love the quote & well, I’m glad you’re back, but it was worth waiting for.
Congrats on the house! And a converted attic studio?! I am so jealous!
I’ll miss having you close by, but I’m excited for you too. I look forward to your blogposts about your new home.
wow, that’s so exciting!! congrats on the new house and new studio! 🙂
Hi Bridgette, Congratulations, Love the new piece and the tulip photo. Good Luck for your move.
Congrats on the new chapter in your life! You will miss Seattle, but Chicago will be soo cool!
Thanks Debi. Yeah, the tulip fields are something else! We were a bit early, so not all the fields were blooming. That would be neat to see. even as it was, it was really beautiful.
I’ll miss you too Angela! We definitely need to get together soon.
Thanks Leah, Genie, and Michelle. We are excited for the move, but also anxious about the uncertainty. But it’s always good to shake things up a bit! Genie, I’m sending something out to you in the mail this week!
Beautiful photo, and good luck with the move.