On Saturday I was painting all day and a friend stopped by unexpectedly to give me a surprise gift and said “Oh! I love seeing you amidst your creative slop!” Ha! Yeah, it gets pretty disorderly around me. This particular shot is actually pretty neat by my usual standards.

I posted the photo on Instagram and Jen Worden said that creative slop should be it’s own hashtag, which I thought was great. So here’s another shot of my #creativeslop and of what the floor usually looks like, especially when I’m working with my photos and other materials. My feet are usually surrounded by chaos. If you’re on IG and want to post photos of your #creativeslop, I’d love to see it!

I am not what I’d call a neat person in general, but I do like things to be organized. I think especially when messiness is in the equation, then organization is key. If I’m in the flow and I can’t find either a tool or a material then it disrupts the flow. I’m constantly rearranging my work space in order to make the organizational flow better. One day I have hopes that I will get it right.
I have been trying to get in the studio as much as I can to get ready for a show next month. It has been difficult with all the delays and closings and then on top of that, I got shingles of all things. I’m finally on the mend this week, but being in constant pain can be exhausting. Last week I was pulling my hair out wondering how I was going to get all that needed to get done done. But today I feel much better about things. My studio wall is filling up again and I can calm my anxieties down.

this no longer exists, but I really like the composition and hope to return it one day on a larger scale
Partial view of a work in progress. I had fun with the sky this am, will definitely explore this in the future too
I like sharing these process shots of my works in progress, but they are really notes to myself. As I work, I’m always following a thread. Often in the process something I thought was going to work, totally doesn’t. Or I create a composition that I want to come back to under different circumstances. These progress shots are notes to myself for future reference. I will forget otherwise. Sad, but true.
I’ve always liked this quote from Bayless and Orland’s book Art & Fear: Observations On the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking
“What you need to know about the next piece is contained in the last piece. The place to learn about your materials is in the last use of your materials. The place to learn about your execution is in your execution. The best information about what you love is in your last contact with what you love. Put simply, your work is your guide…”
I love your creative slop. I wish I could throw things on my floor. It is retains too much auto body shop grime to do that, but to have all those bits of imagery surrounding you, nice.
Also, I feel you with the shingles. I have a recurring issue with them and have found acupuncture knocks out the pain and nerve issues.
This is the first time I’ve had them Amanda and the pain is crazy, ugh. Still have residual pain. So strange. Thanks for the tip about acupuncture, that’s good to know. Sorry to hear that you have a recurring issue. ugh. Not to promote creative slop on your floors, but you could put those mats on the floor that are used to ease pressure for people who stand while they work. I always stand- whether I’m at the table or easel or cutting paper. So I always have those mats by my table. But it’s probably best to keep up the habit of not throwing stuff on the floor!
i enjoy your sharing of the art work you do, whether it is finished or not. You are so talented. I finally broke down and sent for some encaustic supplies to try my hand at it. Have to figure out the ventilation thing though.
Thanks pat! Have you taken a workshop with anyone? I recommend that so that you can get any questions/concerns answered. For ventilation make sure that you put a fan in your window and set it so that it pulls the air away from your palette and not towards yourself. Get a thermometer too for your palette and keep your temps below 200. I like to keep my wax around 170. Have fun with your wax explorations!
I especially love the one that you say no longer exists. Hope you do get back to it. I love that subtle palette.
Good luck with the shingles. I had them on my face in the fall and was miserable. I found the only thing for the aftereffects is a drug called Gabapentin. It kind of worked a miracle with the pain. You might want to ask about it.
Good luck with the upcoming exhibition.
Oh my gosh Mary, that’s awful that you had it on your face. I’m still having pain, but it’s getting less every day. Hopefully it will stop soon. But if it doesn’t i will ask about it, thanks.
The one that you said is no longer there is amazing. The simplicity of color and composition grabbed me and made me yearn to have it hanging in my studio so I could enjoy it everyday. It’s just exquisite.
Sorry to hear you’ve been battling the shingles! Glad you’re on the mend though. And I totally understand about those 2 hour delays and snow days. We’ve got our second 2 hour delay this week this morning….
Thanks Jennifer- I am definitely going to return to it at some point and I want it to be big. That’s how I see it in my head.
This is definitely the never ending winter of school delays and closings. And it’s almost spring break!
Oh that quote!!!!! It’s perfect. Not just in art but in life.
Nicest creative slop Ive seen!!! Oh Bridgette, I didn’t know you had shingles! I know your suffering as I had them from Nov 2013 all the way thru the summer of 2014. The pain got me so tired I couldn’t work. Luckily I made a push for my show in Dec 2014/Jan 2015 – but I haven’t gotten back to work yet since then – still have that phantom pain & itching, plus the drugs made me gain weight!!! But Spring is here and weather will be warmer soon and I’m starting to work again – So ease back into it – you’re doing great work in spite of it all! The shows all look great. See you in April!