Every time Jennifer Coyne Qudeen does her ROYGBIV photo series game I always enjoy it and want to play along. I’ve never had it together enough to be able to, until now. Well, I don’t know if I have it together ever, but I am making the time. This month’s color is Red. I am posting this the eve of the official day in the search of red because lately I have not been able to get on the computer until late in the evening.
There are so many different shades of red, here are just a few from my scavenger hunt.

You can still join in the fun if you want! I actually made this into a game with my kids this week. Searching for red with a 3 year old just walking down one block was quite exciting. Who knew there was so much red everywhere! Just go visit Jennifer’s blog to find out more if you want to join in.
The red chair is my favourite picture.
Thanks Maya. That chair has been with me for a long time. I love it.
🙂 Join in!
Nice reds- I really enjoyed all these photos!
Thanks Sharmon. It was fun scavenging for red
Just found your blog via Roy – a great connector of like minds. I think I will be following for a while to see where you go.
I just love that first photo with it’s deep, dark shadow, patches of sunlight and those red doors – wonderful.
Loving that first photo. It’s the red in my mind when you say red 🙂
I keep coming back to your reds. They are wonderful. Mysterious, yet very comforting. Enjoy!