Seeds Need Both Light and Darkness

Bridgette Guerzon Mills | Seeds Need Both Light and Darkness, encaustic mixed media,
12×12 inches, currently at Cappaert Contemporary Gallery

This piece has been in the making for many months. I started probably back in early fall and mostly completed in late fall. And it could have been done… but I just knew it needed something. So it hung on my studio wall for several months. I have been out of the studio for most of this January, busy with projects that are not art related. Today I finally got in to the studio and I knew immediately what the painting needed.

This afternoon I added the brass strip. I’m not normally a brassy type, but I think this piece really needed that bright brass. It makes me happy. And that is good.

And the title? Well not surprising that I embrace both the light and the dark of life. We need both. Not to dwell too much in either.

“A seed neither fears light nor darkness, but uses both to grow.”
-Matshona Dhliwayo

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