two little birds

I created this panel with my six year old niece in mind. It was fun channeling a sweet little girl who loves pink while making this. When I was her age I hated all things pink and girly. Now in my thirties, I am starting to like pink. But more like fuschia or magenta.

two little birds
mixed media, 6×6 inches

For this piece I used a painting that I created a couple years ago as the starting point. It’s fun to do that sometimes. Take something you’ve done, but then take it in a completely different direction.

Thank you all for your comments about my web site redesign! Still have a lot of work to do on it still, but it’s getting there.


  1. Hi! I love your blog and see you are from Chicago. I was born here too, and now reside in Tinley Park. Hope to get to know you more through your blog…your work is beautiful!


  2. mmm, I love this piece. It gives me a calming peaceful feeling inside. I love knowing that your niece helped inspire it…
    Your website looks fantastic – you’ve done a terrific job with the redesign. Clean, beautiful, and easy to move through. Such talent!!
    ❤ Karin

  3. hi bridgette…this piece gives me the sense of being in the moment and being still in nature. i also feel those birs may begin to chat with one another at any moment…have a great weekend!

  4. Bridgette, I love, love, love the simplicity in your work. It is something I find hard to achieve. All the images with birds and trees seem to evoke such a peaceful feeling. Thank you for sharing them with the world.

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