unspoken truths, encaustic and mixed media, 10×8 inches
One of the characteristics of encaustics that I love is the texture. Whether it is lumpy and bumpy or smooth as glass. I have a hard time with getting the wax to be smooth and flat, but that’s ok as I am a lumpy, bumpy kind of person.
What’s even better than just the inherent texture of the medium, is when I am able to add even more texture by adding piece of this and that to the surface. In this painting, I incised into the wax to create more texture. But I also added a piece of gridded fabric. The wax acts as an adhesive in this case. Once I added the fabric though, the mood of the piece totally changed. Much darker and moodier. I felt that it was a nice balance though with the transfer I had created of the plant on the right side.
yes, this is lovely!!!
Thank you Leah!
this is an amazing piece! do you sell your original work, and if so what is the price of this one?
I’m glad to find your blog,